Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Today in the news: An issue concerning mental illness

Footage from the "GR Massacre" were released today. One of images released, a copy of Rodrick Dantzler's "suicide note." 

"I'm tired of living with these demons in my head. I tried to get help, but the medicine didn't help."

This issue raises some important and thought-provoking questions. The social worker in me wonders, did Dantzler receive any other form of treatment besides medication for his mental illness? Even if he was taking medications as prescribed, did he (or society in general), rely on medications alone? Were there other avenues which were sought out? 

"I can't start over--mentally, I'm so depressed. I can't hold my head up high. On the outside I was strong, but the inside is weak."

If only we lived in a society where prevention is more widely practiced than reactive measures. Or maybe better mental health services and aftercare for those involved the criminal justice system?

Photo from fox17online.com -

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