Monday, October 17, 2011

In the News: New research on PTSD treatment unveils flaws in psychiatry's guessing game

The following news article is the classic psychiatric guessing game in the "treatment" of mental illness. "Well, your antidepressant doesn't seem to be working (we really do not know why)... so lets try an antipsychotic to add to the mix (again, not really sure if this will end up working out)." 

In the article, researchers state:
“We fully expected we would find it to be effective on the basis of preliminary studies that found risperidone effective and because it was so widely prescribed,” Krystal said. “But we found that it was not only not better than placebo at reducing overall symptoms, but also it was not better in reducing anxiety, depression, or in improving quality of life.”

This article further validates my own theory that psychiatry continues to abuse the human brain, like guinea pigs, in the treatment mental illness. 

To end this post, I will quote the MOST IMPORTANT piece this article contains:
Such studies may prompt more people to seek help from psychotherapy, Berkowitz said. While medications seem to offer a quick and easy answer, they can fall short when it comes to treating complex disorders like PTSD, [Dr. Steven Berkowitz] added.
Medications are a seen, by society as whole, as a quick fix to a problem that requires a more in-depth evaluation of the true nature of it's etiology, nature, and treatment. There is no treatment more effective (or humane), than that of looking at each individual as a whole-person in their unique environment... 

References used in this post:
"Widely used PTSD drug fails test in combat veterans: Risperidone worked no better than placebo in easing overall symptoms, study finds." By Linda Carroll.
Photo Credit:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My Response

The following is a message I sent to Amber Austin, an adoptive mother who recently initiated an online petition in response to an adoption story-line on Glee (Please go to this website to read more about this issue):

Ms. Austin,

Congratulations on the enormous response to your petition! I agree that adoption does get misportrayed often in the media for all those in the "adoption triad." I disagree, however, that this current issue depicted in Glee "scares" adoptive families. I cannot foreshadow what will happen in future episodes, as the plot has not been fully developed. But what the show has done, is depict the loss and grief a mother goes through after relinquishing her rights. I have no doubt in my mind that some birthmothers regret their decision and may have had similar thoughts in reuniting with their child. This is part of the grieving process. Like yourself and your fellow petitioners, everyone has a right to their opinion, however, your petition disrespects and ostracizes birthmothers and adoptees like myself.


Melissa N.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Today in the news: An issue concerning mental illness

Footage from the "GR Massacre" were released today. One of images released, a copy of Rodrick Dantzler's "suicide note." 

"I'm tired of living with these demons in my head. I tried to get help, but the medicine didn't help."

This issue raises some important and thought-provoking questions. The social worker in me wonders, did Dantzler receive any other form of treatment besides medication for his mental illness? Even if he was taking medications as prescribed, did he (or society in general), rely on medications alone? Were there other avenues which were sought out? 

"I can't start over--mentally, I'm so depressed. I can't hold my head up high. On the outside I was strong, but the inside is weak."

If only we lived in a society where prevention is more widely practiced than reactive measures. Or maybe better mental health services and aftercare for those involved the criminal justice system?

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